Registration for this course has ended

Agreements and differences between qualitative research and quantitative research

‏250 SAR ‏350 SAR Discount 29%

الدورة هي دليلك لمعرفة الفرق بين البحث الكمي والكيفي وتحديد المشكلة أو الموضوع في كلاهما ومعرفة أدوات القياس وتحليل البيانات.

20 يناير 2024
the hour 7:00 PM
اونلاين بمنصة فخر الخير
The course is in person, you can interact with the trainer
Obtain a certificate upon completion of training
Ensuring course quality
Course Trainer

هند بنت سفر بن حمدان العتيبي


A course on the similarities and differences between qualitative research and quantitative research. This course helps you know:

  1. Definition of (quantitative approach - qualitative approach)
  2. The purpose of the research
  3. Identify the problem or topic in both
  4. Method of inference - induction
  5. Sample
  6. Measurement tools
  7. Data Analysis
  • Duration of study:
  • 5 training hours (divided into 7 lectures).
  • Who is this course for:
  1. Faculty members and graduate students.
  2. Those interested in scientific research.

Study method:

  • Distance training (online): The study takes place through interactive lectures via the Internet in the virtual classroom system.
  • Conditions for obtaining a certificate after completing studies:
  1. The attendance rate must be 80% of the total course hours.
  2. Interaction with the lecturer during lectures.

About the coach:

Hind bint Safar bin Hamdan Al-Otaibi

  1. Assistant Professor of Sociology in the Department of Social Work, College of Social Sciences, Umm Al-Qura University
  2. PhD in Sociology, Naif Arab University for Security Sciences
  3. Member of the Ankara Center for Statistical, Economic and Social Studies and Research
  4. A professional trainer certified by the Family Development Center
  5. She holds a training license from the General Organization for Technical and Vocational Training.